همیشه سطح روغن را با روشن بودن پمپ خلا (وکیوم)بررسی کنید پمپ های خلاac روتاری مهر و موم روغن برای استفاده در سیستم های آمونیا یا لیتیوم بروماید (آب نمک) در نظر گرفته نشده اند. هر دوی این سیستم ها باعث قفل شدن پمپ ها و غیرفعال شدن آنها می شوند. استفاده از پمپ های دوار مهر و موم روغن …
Read More »IMPORTANT- Always check the oil level with the vacuum pump running
IMPORTANT- Always check the oil level with the vacuum pump running oil seal rotary Vacuum pumps are not intended for use on Amonia or Lithium Bromide (salt water) systems. Both of these systems will cause the pumps to lock up and be rendered inoperable. Use of oil seal rotary pumps on either of these systems will void the warranty. IMPORTANT- …
Read More »أسئلة يتكرر طرحها عن مضخات التفريغ
أسئلة يتكرر طرحها عن مضخات التفريغ ۱٫ مضخة التفريغ الخاصة بي تعمل ولكن لا يمكنني الفراغ ، فلماذا لا؟ الموصل بين عمود المضخة وعمود المحرك إما تالف أو زلق. تأكد من إحكام البراغي المضبوطة على اللوح ذي العمودين. ۲٫ ما سبب أهمية تغيير الزيت في مضخة التفريغ الخاصة بي؟ يعمل الزيت المناسب كخلاط في مضخة تفريغ ويمتص كل الرطوبة وغير …
Read More »پرسش های متداول در باره پمپ وکیوم
۱٫ پمپ خلا (وکیوم) من کار می کند ، اما نمی توانم خلا بگیرم وکیوم نم کند چرا؟ اتصال دهنده بین شافت پمپ و شافت موتور یا خراب است یا می لغزد. اطمینان حاصل کنید که پیچ های تنظیم شده روی صفحه دو شافت محکم هستند. ۲٫ چرا تعویض روغن در پمپ خلا (وکیوم)من اینقدر مهم است؟ روغن مناسب در …
Read More »Why do I need to check the oil level when the pump is running?
Why do I need to check the oil level when the pump is running? The reason for this is that if the vacuum is not broken before pumps are shut down the oil in the cover will seek the vacuum still in the cartridge and intake chamber. Then the oil level will drop in the sight glass and give the …
Read More »How low of a vacuum should we pull on a system?
How low of a vacuum should we pull on a system? JB recommends that a system be pulled to at least 250 microns and held at least five minutes. On any polyester oils in a system, it is recommended to pull a much lower vacuum as moisture is very difficult to remove even with heat and vacuum. vacuum leak detector …
Read More »Can I mount my micron gauge onto the vacuum pump?
Can I mount my micron gauge onto the vacuum pump? It is not recommended to do so as you are reading what the pump is doing and not what the pump is doing to the system (see DV-29). It is suggested that you tee off on the suction side of the system and mount the gauge there. vacuum leak detector …
Read More »I am able to pull a vacuum on my system, but when I blank-off, the micron gauge rises rapidly.
I am able to pull a vacuum on my system, but when I blank-off, the micron gauge rises rapidly. Unless you are using JB`s DV-29, copper tubing, or flexible metal hoses, it is not recommended to use your existing manifold and hoses for blanking-off a system to check for leaks. Hoses work very well under high pressure. Vacuum is very …
Read More »I have been pulling a vacuum on my system using a micron gauge and cannot get it down to a low reading.
I have been pulling a vacuum on my system using a micron gauge and cannot get it down to a low reading.https See FAQ #1. Another possibility is that some oil may have entered the micron gauge and is giving false readings. The remedy is to pour regular rubbing alcohol into the connector on the micron gauge, shake, and pour …
Read More »I have been using my low side gauge to pull a vacuum, is this wrong?
I have been using my low side gauge to pull a vacuum, is this wrong? YES. The low side gauge knows only atmospheric pressure and cannot sense moisture or non-condensables. A micron gauge is a heat sensing device that not only reads atmospheric pressure, but also measures the gases created by the vacuum pump as it boils the moisture. For …
Read More »My vacuum pump runs, but I cannot get a vacuum.
My vacuum pump runs, but I cannot get a vacuum. The coupler between the shaft of the pump and the shaft of the motor is either broken or slipping. Make sure the set screws are tight on the flats of the two shafts.
Read More »Oil changing and dust removal – the essentials of vacuum pump care
Oil changing and dust removal – the essentials of vacuum pump care While there are dry running vacuum pumps that do not require any oil, composites industry vacuum pumps are typically of the oil flooded rotary vane type. The reason the composites industry uses oil flooded pumps is because affordable oil-free vacuum pumps are usually limited to a maximum of …
Read More »تعویض روغن و حذف گرد و غبار – موارد ضروری مراقبت و نگهدار از پمپ خلاء وکیوم
تعویض روغن و حذف گرد و غبار – موارد ضروری مراقبت از پمپ خلاء وکیوم تعویض روغن و حذف گرد و غبار ICON در حالی که پمپ های خلا running خشک کار می کنند که به هیچ روغن احتیاج ندارند ، پمپ های خلا vac صنعت کامپوزیت ها معمولاً از نوع پره های دوار روغنی است که در آن روغن …
Read More »Vacuum Ranges & Appropriate Pump Technologies
Vacuum Ranges & Appropriate Pump Technologies
Read More »How to select lab vacuum pumps
How to select lab vacuum pumps When selecting a vacuum pump for lyophilization, evaporation or concentration applications, a vital consideration in pump performance is vapor tolerance. These applications tend to involve high vapor flows that make extra demands of the pumping capacity, so a pump that is designed to handle those vapors is important to your success. But what do …
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